Thursday, January 27, 2011

85 and the Shadow

I got to 85 even sooner than I had expected. Awesome. The new content is just... "something else". To be honest, I skipped Mount Hyjal. The route I took was Vashj'ir -> Deepholm -> Uldum -> Twilight Highlands. I'm doing dailies in Tol Barad at the moment.

What's more important is that I'm no longer a DPS. I got some tank gear and started to learn how to tank. Tanking in Cataclysm is cool. I already tanked the Vortex Pinnacle and the Stonecore and it was awesome. I will eventually get some DPS gear just for the fun of it, but for the moment, tanking is my thing.

I also "resurrected" my level 66 Priest and started playing him. He's 72 now and questing in Dragonblight. Will be back soon with more info.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cataclysmic Events Galore

[4 days later...]

My Death Knight is now close to level 84, finishing the quest chains in Deepholm. The awesome guys in my former guild also invited me back in, after I explained my prolonged absence and the "hacking incident". So yeah, things are going really well so far.

Azeroth has been transformed so much and character mechanics (like talent trees, skills, stats and all that) have been reworked in such a manner... it's like playing a new game. I haven't felt so "alive" in this World since Vanilla. It IS a bit confusing at first (especially my first visit to "the new" Orgrimmar, but you get used to it quickly and you just want to try out the new areas.

  • [80 - 82] Mount Hyjal - this is one of the two starting areas (on your way from 80 to 85) in Cataclysm. Basically, it's a typical Night-Elf(ish) area under siege by Ragnaros and his minions. Malfurion Stormrage is returning from the Emerald Dream and you will start healing the region through quests. A quick note: this area uses Blizzard's phasing technology quite a lot. It is also the easier of the two starting areas in Cataclysm, so it is probable that you will encounter more players here (careful on the PVP servers);
  • [80 - 82] Vashj'ir - the other Cataclysm starting area. It's basically an underwater - ocean floor setting, filled with sharks, turtles and the likes. You will encounter Naga. Lots of 'em. You will also get your Abyssal SeaHorse, your first underwater mount through a quest. Vashj'ir is generally considered less linear and harder than Hyjal, so there will be less players questing here. It's also a pretty fun area.
  • [82 - 83] Deepholm - one of my favourite regions in WoW ever! It will also remind you of Icecrown, with the Alliance ship flying around and the Horde ship crashed somewhere. Also, Deathwing's Fall does bear a striking resemblance to the old Sindragosa's Fall. Lots of quests in some sort of a circular clockwise motion. You will be fighting the Twilight Council and will also discover new allies here.
  • [83 - 84] Uldum - desert region, situated between Un'Goro Crater, Tanaris and Silithus. Can't really say much about it as I haven't been there yet. I know I probably should have jumped here the moment I dinged 83, but I enjoyed the quests in Deepholm too much to miss on any of them.
  • [84 - 85] Twilight Highlands - located east of the Wetlands. Don't really know much about it either, except that it's a wonderful questing area, perfect for it's purpose (ding 85 that is). It's also home to Grim Batol, one of the new Cataclysm dungeons.
  • [85] Tol Barad - the new PVP area. What's interesting about Tol Barad is that it's actually made out of 2 areas. One is the equivalent of Wintergrasp and the other one, Tol Barad Peninsula is a quest hub for all level 85 players. Can't wait to get there myself. ^^
Well, I'll probably finish the quest chains in Deepholm tonight, and will move on to Uldum. Although I'm anxious to get to level 85, I'm in no hurry. The new areas are full of fun content worth playing start to finish. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and I'll be back with more info on the last three areas as I feel I haven't been able to provide enough information for them at the moment.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Need some advice

Yeah, being gone for a long time really hurts. If you read some of my older posts, you must know I love AddOns. No problem there. But the thing is, from what I hear, Blizzard has actually done a great job integrating most of the useful stuff from addons into it's own frames.

So, without further ado, I'm in need of some advice (duh! that's the title, isn't it?). Should I just delete all of my addons and get used to the new Blizzard interface? Should I keep SOME of my addons (like ArkInventory and such)? Should I get some of the new addons? And if so, which ones?

I know, asking advices when you have 3-4 readers / day is a long shot, but I have to try :)

Who wants some?

Right... more than one year has passed since I last wrote something here. In the meantime I quit WoW, got my account hacked and subsequently suspended, bought and played StarCraft 2, etc.

Now I came back to WoW (a big thanks to the guys at Blizzard for understanding the situation with my account and allowing me to continue playing). Getting your account hacked is a pain in the ass, trust me.

Sooo... browsing through all of my characters - trying to decide which one to play - I ended up choosing my level 80 ICC-geared BEDK (yes, that's Blood Elf Death Knight... stop laughing). Guess I'm gonna have to get used to the new WoW. A lot of things have changed. Talent trees, the rune system, flying in Azeroth... Gonna have to catch up fast. But I'll be 85 in no time, ready for some serious business in the new Dungeons and Instances.

That said, it's good to be back. Let's get the party started, shall we? ^^

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hunter Aspect

Made a new blog for my Hunter. Things are going really well thus far. You can watch progress and stuff here: .

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cloth FTW!

OMFG, I just realized nobody reads this thing anymore. Damn it! Gotta get it back up and running. Well, anyway... about my cloth dillema... I've made up my mind. So, finally, between mage, priest, drood and lock... I made a Hunter! *rofl*

Yeah, I know. Boo! Huntard! Who cares? I know they are quite fun if you actually know how to play them. I got one to 71 on a PvP server, remember? The thing is, I also wanted to try something different, so it's an Alliance Hunter. *goes to hide in the corner*

I'll be back with a couple of screens soon.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cloth Dillema

OK, so I have a dillema. I wanna make one of those caster type chars. Like... a mage or priest or something. I already have a Warlock. The thing is, I can't make up my mind. I need some help from you guys.
  1. Mage. Fight, drink, fight, drink. Turn people to sheep and stuff.
  2. Priest. Shadow, Holy, psychic screams. Cool enough!
  3. Druid (yeah, I know... he's Leather, not Cloth). Feral, Resto, tree, boomkin... Cool!
  4. keep the Warlock. DoT, DoT, DoT, Imp Succubus and stuff.
So... what'll it be? I need some advice. Not just "play a mage". I need something like "play a mage... he has this and that and can do that and he's like...". Thanks!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Damn addons!

I know, I know... 3 months, no posts again. Forgive meeeee!

Well, anyway... this is me again, your average DPS DK. Of course, level 80 know and having fun. The thing is, I love AddOns. Especially at level 80, where you kinda need 'em. Problem is, I need a user interface (UI). And most of them SUCK! So, I'm gonna have to make my own. I'm already working on it, and as soon as I have something, I'll post it here and maybe at

Thanks for your patience, enjoy your raiding and check back soon! I promise I'll be back every day now.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Back to Azeroth!

Whew! Long time has passed since I last wandered the beautiful lands of Azeroth / Outland / Northrend. Now I'm finally back. My Belf DK is now 72 and doing quests in Dragonblight. Wonderful, can't wait to get to Dalaran and beyond.

Ahh, it's good to be back! More important stuff soon.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Patch 3.0.8 - Coming Soon

Well, the title kinda says it all again. Damn!

Patch 3.0.8 will be coming out soon and the patch notes for the PTR (Public Test Realm) have already been made available to the public. I won't post the whole list of changes, but I will link the page where you can find these changes:

WoW PTR - Patch 3.0.8 ChangeLog

Opinions anyone?